OMG 2 is ruling hearts and how! The Akshay Kumar, Pankaj Tripathi and Yami Gautam starrer movie is gradually inching closer to Rs 100 crores nett at the domestic box office. There have been various reports about the movie being made on a so-and-so budget. The buzz was that OMG 2 has been being made on a budget of Rs 150 crores and Akshay Kumar charging whopping fees for the new movie. But the producer of OMG 2 has put all the speculations to rest with a surprising statement. Akshay did not take home anything.
Akshay Kumar did not charge a single penny for OMG 2
In conversation with an online entertainment news portal, Ajit Andhare, the COO of Viacom18 shares that the reports about the OMG 2 budget are grossly exaggerated. He reveals that Akshay Kumar did not take a single penny for the movie but showed courage by not just featuring in the film but also backing it up as a producer. "Akshay didn't charge a rupee in fee," Andhare tells Pinkvilla. The producer shares that he has worked with Akshay in a number of films such as OMG, Special 26 and Toilet: Ek Prem Katha to name a few. Ajit shares that without Akshay Kumar, taking such a big risk would not have been possible. He further adds that the Bade Miyan Chote Miyan actor was invested in the movie both creatively and financially.
Watch the video of Har Har Mahadev song in OMG 2 here:
What is the OMG 2 movie budget?
Well, there have been various figures that have surfaced in various portals. Some said it is made on a budget of Rs 100 crore, some said it is made in Rs 150 crore and so on. But that does not seem to be the case. The report in the media portal quotes a source saying that the budget of OMG 2 was a little under Rs 50 crores. The previous film, OMG was made on a budget of Rs 25 crores.
Here's what Akshay Kumar has to say about OMG 2
Akshay Kumar expresses gratitude
This whole week has been amazing for Indian cinema. Not just Gadar 2 starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel but also OMG 2 has been working well at the box office. And hence, Akshay thanked all the fans for showing so much love to the Hindi film industry. He put the trending hashtag Oh My Gadar in the caption of his post while sharing the video of his recently released movie.